Here are some common terms you will see when discussing how or why a show or performance has shown up on our radar:
PWYC - Pay-What-You-Choose, mostly synonymous with PWYW (Pay What You Will), Sliding Scale, or Choose Your Price - This format encourage cardholders to decide how much they want or can pay for a ticket, often but not always with a minimum requirement.
Previews - Mostly used for theatrical performances, previews are the first few public performances of a production, before their official opening night. Preview performances are often offered at a discount, but be aware that if there are bugs to work out in the performance it will be now, when the performers are less rehearsed
Rush - Some organizations sell discounted tickets left over in the hours before a performance. These will often be a good deal, but require flexibility.
Industry Night - While most theatrical productions run Thursday or Friday through Sunday on a given weekend, many shows will schedule at least performance on week night, often a Monday or Tuesday. This allows people "in the industry" to attend when their schedule may conflict otherwise. All are welcome to attend, however, and these tickets are often but not always lower in price than other performances.
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